Thursday, April 2, 2009

What shall I wear? Advice on belly dance costuming

Costuming is so important to belly dancing that the subject is almost talked about among dancers and on discussion boards more than dance styles and specific moves. When beginners start to dance they often get allured by the “bling” and the “sparklies”. Many dancers spend hours discussing costuming, perusing the swap boards, or constructing their own designs. It can be an addiction in itself. Because belly dance styles are so diverse, costuming is as well.

When it comes to belly dance costuming trends, it is important to note that styles differ among the different belly dance genres, i.e. Oriental, Tribal Fusion, American Classic, etc. However there are some constants that remain the same. Almost all of the dancers I interviewed suggested that regardless of trends, fit and flattery are the most important aspects of costuming....

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