Monday, April 6, 2009

Benefit Hafla was a success!

Congrats to the Kornegays and all the volunteers for the wonderful benefit hafla! The show raised over $1,000 to support the Kornegay's during Cutler's chemotherapy and radiation treatments for brain cancer.

It was a fun night. I wish more people had come out, but the UNC Final Four game trumped us. Oh well. There is still time to donate! Scroll down to the bottom to the PayPal Donate button:

Picture courtesty of Megan Freeman! 


Erin M. said...

from head to toe you look beautiful! and eff the final four, your work is way more exciting:) I LOVE the costume and the toe polish. LOVE. And that article? I'm passing it to barbara... And guess who found a belly dance studio in L'ville? After Panama, I'm gonna try. You've inspired me:)

Andalee said...

Thanks Lady. The polish is called "Orange you cute?" It is by Sally Hansen Salon line. I love it!Thanks for the compliments. ;) Hugs.

Andalee said...

OH and it is a new costume! Woo hoo!